Benefits of Partnering with E&I

For over 80 years, E&I has been connecting education procurement professionals and trusted suppliers. As a member-owned cooperative, our suppliers are our business partners, and we work together to bring time and cost savings to our 6,000 members nationwide.

Increased sales and market share concept with stacking coins in a row

Increased Sales, Market Share & Loyalty

  • Our strong member relationships, national field organization, and higher education and K-12 expertise help generate new leads and shorten the selling cycle
  • E&I business partners are preferred suppliers among members
  • Dedicated focus on developing strategic partner relationships
  • Awareness and leverage of state and regional compliance and diverse supplier requirements

Reduced Processing Costs & Improved Margins

  • State compliance initiatives
  • eCommerce and eProcurement solutions
  • Standardization
  • Market intelligence
Business professionals reviewing reports with charts, tables, graphs
Presenter with microphone speaking before a crowd

Marketplace Differentiation & Accessibility

  • Direct access to higher education and K-12 buyers and decision-makers through our established communication and event channels
  • Brand awareness and proactive marketing initiatives
  • Webinars, on-campus events, and other networking opportunities

Power of the Competitive Solicitation

Access even more E&I member institutions

Public institutions make up much of our membership, and many require a competitive RFP process to meet their state’s requirements. Members nationwide work together to develop our competitive solicitation process, which ensures an outstanding program that meets public and individual diversity and compliance requirements.

Process improvements and cost reductions

Rather than tackle hundreds of individual RFPs, you only need to handle one competitively solicited contract with E&I. If a member must issue an RFP, simply respond with the E&I contract, eliminating the need for you to put together an RFP response.

Professional woman smiling as colleagues celebrate and applause in conference room


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