Staying Ahead of the Curve: Updates on Title IX Training Requirements for Higher Ed

The U.S. Department of Education’s updated final regulations on Title IX enforcement include new regulations regarding sex discrimination complaints and expansion of protections for LGBTQ+ and pregnant students.

Key changes include:

  • Elimination of live hearings with cross-examination to protect survivors
  • New definition of sexual harassment, including sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Extending jurisdictions to off-campus incidents involving students
  • Heightened oversight to monitor programs and activities
  • Expanded reporting requirements for schools
  • Requiring more prompt response and resolution
  • Protection of students, employees, and applicants from discrimination based on pregnancy
  • Expanded regulations regarding privacy and reporting


These are some of the topline changes. There are several other significant updates that you should review with your counsel.

“No one should face bullying or discrimination just because of who they are, who they love,” said Education Secretary Miguel Cardona. “Sadly, this happens all too often.”

While the updated rules provide more guidance and flexibility in resolving claims, it also adds additional complexity and obligations. The new regulations released on April 19, 2024, comprise 1,577 pages with 1,500 pages of guidance. Schools will have until August 1 to implement these rules, which will include updating or drafting new policies. You should review the Department of Education (DOE) resource for schools to create procedures and policies to comply with the new regulations.

Title IX Training Requirements

Title IX violations can be severe, ranging from lawsuits and liability for failing to address allegations to a loss of federal funding. Colleges and universities need a thorough review and guidance to avoid penalties, which is no easy task.

The 2024 Title IX Regulations require that all employees are trained on the obligations to address sex discrimination in their education programs and activities. There are additional training requirements for investigators, decision-makers, and anyone involved in implementing Title IX grievance procedures.

Title IX training for higher education will be key to compliance and should include a broad section of higher education professionals, including:

  • Title IX Coordinators
  • Deputy Title IX Coordinators
  • Title IX Investigators
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Victim Advocates
  • Student Conduct Professionals
  • Compliance and Risk Management Professionals
  • Law Enforcement/Campus Safety
  • Administrative Decision-Makers


Facilitators must also be trained on the new informal resolution process and avoiding conflict and bias. You should refer to the Title IX training requirements in the DOE documentation to see other areas that need training as well.

Cooperative Contracts for Title IX Training and Guidance

Because of the changes and the fast-approaching date for implementation, time is of the essence. It may be difficult for your institution’s Title IX administrator to navigate these complex rules without some guidance. Working with Title IX specialists, law firms, and consultants can help ensure you are doing everything you need to do to remain compliant.

E&I Cooperative Services offers cooperative contracts with several firms that can help you meet your Title IX training requirements. E&I’s contracts leverage the purchasing power of the Cooperative’s  6,000+ member institutions to provide best-in-class pricing and terms favorable to higher education. Since they are competitively solicited, you can opt into contracts to begin the process ASAP.

Available training services include:

  • Online modules and toolkits
  • Workshops, seminars, or orientation programs
  • In-person or virtual training sessions
  • Policy review and implementation


You can also find services for compliance audits, providing legal reviews of policies, procedures, and practices. Audits provide feedback and recommendations for improvement.

Available contracts include:


E&I Cooperative Services is the only member-owned, non-profit procurement and sourcing company that focuses solely on the needs of the education sector. Membership is free, and there is no obligation or minimum spending requirement.

Contact E&I Cooperative Services today to view available contracts to meet Title IX training for higher education.


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