A spotlight and interview chair

Supplier Spotlight: Apple Products & Support Services Through the E&I CDW-G Contract

An Interview with Brooke Langley, Apple Business Development Strategist, Higher Ed at CDW-G

We sat down with Brooke Langley, Apple Business Development Strategist, Higher Ed at CDW-G, to discuss how CDW-G helps our higher education members get the Apple products and support services they need.

Please tell us how Apple changed their procurement process for many higher education institutions and explain CDW-G’s procurement options for Apple devices.

As of this year, Apple has changed the way they are asking customers to place orders with Apple direct. In many cases, they are no longer accepting purchase orders (POs) or new direct eProcurement integrations.

CDW-G has a variety of options to meet E&I member needs for the entire Apple portfolio. From PO processing, credit cards, and eCommerce portals, to new eProcurement integrations, CDW-G can customize a solution that works best for each higher ed member institution.

Tell us a little about your partnership with Apple.

CDW-G is Apple’s #1 channel partner in higher education. We have over 20 resources dedicated to the partnership, including dedicated Apple Systems Engineers and Apple Certified Mobility Solution Architects.

You are the only reseller to stock Apple products? How does CDW-G help alleviate supply chain constraints?

CDW-G is the only reseller that has in-house stocking capability, and we proactively order inventory to alleviate lead time. CDW-G offers buy & hold services to enable members to select products for purchase and have them held in a secure location for up to a year.

What products do you stock, and where?

CDW-G has access to Apple’s full catalog and stocks models Apple considers to be custom. We have two warehouses, one in Las Vegas, NV and another in Vernon Hills, IL.

How aggressive are the Apple discounts available to members through the contract?

CDW-G offers Apple products and services to higher education members often at prices below Apple Education List Price.

Tell us about the configuration services you provide.

The configuration services we provide for Apple devices include asset tagging, custom laser engraving, inserts, kitting, and custom packaging.

Can CDW-G enroll Apple devices in Apple School Manager (ASM), and do you offer a mobile device management (MDM) solution?

We offer free enrollment in ASM, which is a simple, web-based portal for IT administrators that provides a fast, streamlined way to deploy Apple devices. Members can automatically enroll devices in our MDM solution without having to physically prepare them for  faculty, staff, and students.

CDW-G offers a full suite of mobility solutions including Jamf professional services for Apple devices. We also provide zero-touch deployment assessments, planning, and implementation services.

What do you mean by customized logistics—and what other customized services do you offer to support the Apple environment at higher ed institutions?

CDW-G can work with higher ed members to customize logistics that work for them. We can incorporate logos and swag into our packaging, attach an asset tag that identifies the specific college or university, and ship to individual residences for students, faculty, and staff. We can also pre-order inventory to meet specific timelines and palletize inventory based on volume.

Does CDW-G have local service integrators nationwide?

CDW-G offers local white glove services across the nation. Our local service integrators can assist with unboxing, deployment, trash removal, and asset disposition.

Discuss additional support you offer higher ed member institutions.

CDW-G offers a variety of solutions that are important to higher education, including diverse supplier relationships, personal purchasing portals for students, faculty, and staff, and robust reporting capabilities.

About the Author

CDW-G is an industry-leading provider of computer equipment and related hardware, software, services, and support.


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