Clean modern laboratory with scientist arranging beakers

How to Achieve Sustainability in Your Lab

6 Ways to Create a Sustainable Lab and Save Money

In this day and age, it is becoming more and more important to be sustainable and help ensure this planet is here for future generations to come. The act of becoming sustainable helps the environment but can also save money. Many practices to help go green are simple and can be implemented right away. Sustainability can improve the function of your lab and the way it is viewed by others as well. The goal to become sustainable is to reduce waste and conserve energy.

Below are a few ways you can join the effort in protecting the environment with your lab facility.


A simple but effective way to help is to recycle and get rid of waste correctly. Recycling is something many people do not bother to do, but those who do recycle help in a bigger way than it seems. There is also a lot of paper waste in labs. By cutting down on paper used and going digital you can reduce the amount of paper that needs to be thrown away and wasted.

Energy Savings

Another simple tip that many people overlook is turning off equipment when you are not using it. Many times after using equipment people do not turn it off properly. By completely turning off equipment when not in use you can save energy. Another tip for energy saving is cleaning equipment regularly. Ordering supplies in bulk and coordinating with other departments can save energy as well.

Multi-Use Spaces

Having multi-use spaces and sharing equipment allows for less space and equipment to be needed therefore reducing the carbon footprint of your lab. Being able to work within less space reduces the costs of heating and cooling and the energy needed to do so.

Fume Hoods

Fume hoods are a large consumer of electricity. Fume hoods constantly run and use energy. To conserve and use less energy you should shut the hood sash when it is not in use. This will lower the fan speed and the amount of air exhausted.


Freezers are one of the largest users of electricity in the lab. Proper freezer management helps the environment but also saves you a considerably good amount of money. Regularly cleaning and changing parts on your freezers can improve the quality of the freezer and reduce the electrical use. It is also beneficial to share space in these freezers. By sharing space you may require less freezers therefore reducing the electricity used. This also includes cleaning out old stuff for new things instead of allowing build up and causing more space to be needed.

Sustainable Supply Chain

Creating a sustainable supply chain is another way to save energy and potentially money. Ordering in bulk results in less shipments and saving energy in the process of acquiring materials. By using vendors that also emphasize a sustainable approach you are improving the sustainability of your supply chain. A sustainable supply chain results in a sustainable lab. This improvement is larger compared to the others but is beneficial in the long run. It will make your lab standout compared to others.

These are just a few of the ways you can go green in your lab. These strategies can not only help the environment but save you money as well. You should see an improvement in your lab with these tips and know you are making a difference by trying to become a sustainable lab. Hopefully, you can implement these tips right away to reduce waste, conserve energy, and see a difference with how your lab operates.

SU Group provides a sustainable cost savings program through consolidation of maintenance contracts and service agreements to one equipment maintenance management program (EMMP). They provide transparency through online reporting and give you control by allowing choice of vendors making it easier for you to have a sustainable lab and supply chain. Labs tend to see an average savings of 17-30% when using an EMMP with SU Group with a model of consolidation and reduction of cost that can be realized for years to come, making this a sustainable program.

For more information, contact toll-free at 800.558.9910 or visit

About the Author

SU Group provides tailored programs offering customized solutions for maintaining equipment. Their program converts eligible contracts into one easily manageable agreement saving you valuable time and money.


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