Adjudication Services

A Background Check Program’s Hidden Gem

A recent HireRight Benchmark Report reveals that the two things keeping hiring professionals up at night are concerns arising from negligent hiring and compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) laws and guidance.

Adjudication services help employers ensure that all candidates are measured in accordance with company hiring guidelines. When using adjudication services, the results of individual employment background checks are compared to the hiring criteria that a company has established to determine if the candidate meets their hiring criteria. It’s an optional, but valuable service that objectively applies a company’s adjudication standards and helps to remove unintended bias in the hiring process.

The Benefits of Opting for Adjudication Services to Employers

  • Adjudication services allow for consistent, policy-based decision making
  • Company standards are applied consistently across the board for all candidates
  • Administrative efficiencies are achieved across the organization
  • Tasks are centralized for more effective report management and review
  • Adjudication services help to create a well-documented practice of hiring decisions
  • Helps facilitate compliance with certain legislative and regulatory measures, such as ban the box laws

HireRight’s adjudication product helps hiring professionals vet and hire candidates faster and more efficiently while helping facilitate compliance responsibilities.

The guidelines provided to HireRight from the employer can be as simple or complex as required, can be set by country or region, and can be configured to comply with legislative, regulatory or other guidelines. Reports that satisfy the employer’s guidelines are identified as “meets company standards.’’ All others are identified as “pending” for the employer to assess and determine an adjudication status.

It’s important to note that, rather than adversely adjudicate a background check, HireRight provides the information to the employer who will determine whether or not to assign a final “does not meet” status if the report is found to be in a decisional/pending category (e.g., it contains criminal hits, verification issues, etc.). Only the employer—not HireRight —can conduct an individualized assessment and holistically review the individual’s background. An employer is best positioned to determine if a candidate presents a risk to their organization and does not meet the organization’s hiring criteria.

How Adjudication Services Can Be Valuable

Nancy is a recruiter currently managing 100 candidates who are going through the background check process. Some are cashiers and sales executives, while other positions include drivers and machinists. Each position within the company has been assigned different hiring/adjudication guidelines. While a poor driving record may not be a concern for candidates applying for cashier positions, it most definitely will be for candidates who may drive company cars.

By having adjudication services in place with HireRight, Nancy automatically receives notice that 60 of her candidates’ background checks pass the company’s hiring guidelines and are identified as “meets company standards.” These candidates can then be sent to the appropriate hiring manager.

Thanks to these adjudication services, Nancy didn’t have to manually review these 60 candidates, and so she has more time to focus on the 40 candidates whose background checks had discrepancies. Using the adjudication guidelines built into the system, Nancy can quickly see where the areas of concern lie, and escalate these to the appropriate people to review, saving time and money in the process.

Configurable access controls are available to Nancy and she can grant viewing and status-setting rights for various individuals within her company for complete visibility and control. Decision reasons can be documented by selecting a pre-determined guideline or manually entering the reason. In addition, HireRight’s adjudication services gives Nancy the option to have HireRight send out pre-adverse and adverse action notice letters when she assigns certain adjudication statuses that she set up.

Adjudication can save time while helping to ensure a consistent, efficient, and compliant screening program by reducing subjective “judgment calls” from a company’s hiring guidelines.

Save time and help ensure a consistent, efficient, and compliant screening program by reducing subjective “judgment calls” from a company’s hiring guidelines.

About the Author

Lewis Lustman is a content marketer who enjoys developing materials that engage, inform, challenge, and hopefully entertain his audience. Lewis is a former journalist for Los Angeles Magazine and the Los Angeles Times, and has worked for a number of leading advertising, marketing, technology, and PR firms.


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