Miami Dade College Supports a Clean & Healthy Campus with Staples

The Situation

An E&I member since 1994, Miami Dade College (MDC) comprises eight campuses and outreach centers, offering more than 300 distinct degree pathways.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, MDC was faced with sourcing critical products to help ensure a safe return to campus for students, faculty, and staff. The college turned to one of its premier partners – Staples – and its E&I contract

Miami Dade College successfully ensured a clean return to campus with the E&I Staples contract

The Obstacles

Supply Chain Disruptions
On top of trying to find pandemic-related supplies, worldwide supply chain disruptions also meant MDC had significant difficulties receiving orders in a timely manner.

Product Upcharging
MDC needed a supplier that was offering reasonable pricing at a time when most things were being upcharged; sanitizer stands that normally sold for $200 were being sold for as high as $600.

CARES Act Compliance
Purchase orders (POs) and reporting had to be managed in a very specific way, as these purchases were tied to CARES Act funding.

Meeting Unique Needs of Each Campus
MDC needed to coordinate high volumes of deliveries to each of its campuses, each having its own set of regulations and available resources.

Urgency was of the essence, especially since much of what we needed was something everybody needed. Not only did we face lack of availability, but also suppliers overcharging for products.

The Actions

Getting Buy-In
Staples and MDC teamed up to create data-driven presentations that successfully resulted in buy-in from key decision makers at the college.

Transparency & Honesty
Staples was transparent about inventory, alerting MDC if an item was not immediately available, which was critical when working with heightened urgency.

CARES Act Compliance
Staples created tailored invoices to meet MDC’s needs when documenting purchases through CARES Act funding.

Delivery Coordination from Planning to Execution
Staples worked closely with MDC to organize high delivery volumes, not only scheduling delivery times and locations, but also determining which items were to be unpacked and placed around campus.

Training & Troubleshooting
Staples coordinated training on new equipment such as electrostatic sprayers and provided ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting support.

The Results

Cost Savings
Through the Staples contract, MDC realized approximately $17,000 in savings and free installation on the products and services it needed to get ready for a safe return to campus, now and into the future.

Quality, Branded Products
By partnering with trusted name-brand manufacturers, Staples provided MDC with quality products, such as disinfectant wipe stands, garbage bins, paper towel dispensers, and toilet paper holders, complete with branded signage for a cohesive look to enhance the appearance of each campus.

Promoting a Safe, Healthy Campus
With the all-around support of Staples, MDC was able to accomplish one of its biggest pandemic-related projects: placing over 600 sanitizing wipe stands in college classrooms.


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