
Specialty Underwriters

Specialty Underwriters has provided equipment maintenance management services to higher ed and K-12 institutions, government bodies, financial institutions, pharmaceutical, and bio-tech organizations since 1982. SU is dedicated to analyzing the equipment maintenance needs of organizations to uncover opportunities to generate tangible hard and soft dollar savings, increase awareness of service levels from vendors, and lower administration costs – helping reduce and improve the workload of employees.

Electronic Risks Consultants

Electronic Risks Consultants (ERC) provides a comprehensive equipment maintenance management program (EMMP) that consolidates service agreements into a single point of contact. ERC works directly with members in all areas of equipment maintenance, including laboratory, research, medical, information technology, general office, security, and all other major categories. 


Remi is a leading provider of data-driven service vendor and contract management for higher education, government, commercial, and healthcare organizations nationwide. Their solution unlocks the value in equipment service contracts while delivering improved productivity, optimal equipment uptime, and hard cost savings averaging 25% over traditional service contracts. Since 1998, Remi’s mission has been to empower their customers to outperform by providing cost effective and innovative equipment care solutions delivered with a commitment to quality service.