Contract Number: CNR01473
Contract Date: 10/01/2018 – 09/30/2025
Agreement: LPA
The Unimarket contract provides an easy-to-use eProcurement solution designed to meet the needs of higher education. Connecting a catalog-driven supplier marketplace with purchasing, invoice management, and card payment functions in one integrated platform, the Unimarket solution makes it easy to find and buy what you need.
Designed to make eProcurement easy, Unimarket offers visibility into what is being bought and who it is bought from. Built-in reporting and analysis tools provide visibility by supplier, product category, buying group, and more. With spend going through a single platform, you have the data to forecast, report, and plan with certainty. Eliminating manual processes, Unimarket reduces errors and inaccuracies, giving everyone certainty that your procurement process meets your policies, procedures, and requirements.