Contract Number: EI00311
Contract Date: 06/01/2023 – 05/31/2028
Agreement: Competitive
Renewals: 5 1-year renewals remaining
Award Summary: Click RFP Number Field to view all awarded suppliers
eProcurement: N/A
RFP Number & Name: EI00208~2023RFP / Supplier Diversity Data Enrichment Services

The contract provides E&I members with an industry-leading supplier diversity and sustainability SaaS platform with the largest and most accurate database of diverse suppliers in the world; 3x+ larger than their nearest competitor. has over 20 years of experience with powering the most successful supplier diversity programs. helps institutions accurately know their diverse spend, grow with ease, and demonstrate their program’s economic impact on the community. The SaaS suite and services include data enrichment, spend analysis, benchmarking, Tier 1 and Tier 2 analytics and reporting, supplier explorer, and economic impact reporting. simplifies implementing and scaling a supplier diversity program with its integrated SaaS platform, a vast database of 4 million suppliers and 5 million certifications, and top-tier service.

Contract Highlights
  • Get an accurate and detailed analysis of your current diversity spend by enriching your procurement data 
  • Compare your own results against your industry peers to set goals and identify growth opportunities 
  • Track, analyze, and report your diverse spending with boardroom-ready data at your fingertips  
  • Make it easy for diverse suppliers to register and provide more information via a centralized portal, so you can gather the data you need to maximize your program 
  • Grow your diversity spend by enabling your entire team to easily find credible, certified diverse suppliers in just a few clicks 
  • Expand your program to your current suppliers with everything you need including the platform, data, training, and managed services 
  • Quantify the economic benefits of your supplier diversity program on the communities you serve 

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