Contract Number: CNR01422
Contract Date: 02/01/2017 – 01/31/2027
Agreement: Competitive
Renewals: None
Award Summary: Click RFP Number Field to view all awarded suppliers
eProcurement: N/A
RFP Number & Name: 683335 / Laboratory Equipment, Instruments, Accessories, Supplies and Maintenance

PHC Corporation

The PHCbi contract provides space-saving and energy efficient ultra-low temperature freezers, cryogenic and biomedical freezers, high-performance refrigerators, CO2 and multi-gas incubators, microbiological incubators, On-Chip flow cytometry cell sorters, and plant growth chambers. Backed by over 50 years of developing, designing, and manufacturing lab equipment, PHCbi is an experienced partner for E&I members.

PHC Corporation of North America is a leader in laboratory equipment for the biopharmaceutical, life sciences, academic, healthcare, and government markets. A subsidiary of PHC Holdings Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, PHC is involved in three core areas: medical devices, healthcare IT, and life sciences. Product lines under the PHCbi brand include VIP® ECO, TwinGuard®, VIP Series, and more.

Contract Highlights
  • Heated, refrigerated, and CO2 incubators
  • Pharmaceutical freezers
  • Ultra-low temperature upright and chest freezers
  • High performance pharmaceutical and laboratory refrigerators and biomedical freezers
  • Undercounter and general purpose refrigerators and freezers
  • Cloud-based monitoring and notification systems


PHC Corporation of North America has maintained a decades-long commitment to balancing the environmental impact in the design and manufacturing of ultra-low freezers, laboratory incubators and high performance biomedical refrigerators and freezers. Today, all products sold throughout the world under the PHCbi brand represent imaginative use of resources including natural and reduced global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants, and low energy systems crafted to lower operating costs without compromising critical performance and reliability. Here is why sustainability is a social responsibility reflected by the PHCbi brand.

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