Contract Number: CNR01521
Contract Date: 09/01/2020 – 10/25/2024
Agreement: Competitive
Renewals: 1 5-year renewal remaining
Award Summary: Click RFP Number Field to view all awarded suppliers
eProcurement: N/A
RFP Number & Name: 683523 / Online Proctoring & Anti-Plagiarism Software Solutions & Integration Services


The Ouriginal contract provides a text similarity and plagiarism prevention solution. With no installation required, Ouriginal can be used as a standalone product or seamlessly integrated to the learning management system of your choice and delivers accurate reports quickly and efficiently in an easy-to-read format.

Ouriginal's cost-effective, cloud-based plagiarism prevention system is fully automated and combines text-matching with writing style analysis to promote academic integrity and prevent plagiarism. Ouriginal can be used in several different languages and seamlessly integrated into your existing learning environment. A comprehensive plagiarism report provides detailed results quickly and easily, highlighting the matches between text and all Ouriginal's sources including the web, licensed content, and internal sources.

Contract Highlights
  • All-inclusive pricing model for system integration, training, ongoing support, data transfer, and enhancements
  • Cloud-based architecture – Microsoft Azure
  • Three decades of combined strengths, experience, and expertise in plagiarism detection for education from the merger of two leading providers: Urkund and PlagScan
  • Author metrics create student profiles; the system automatically checks to ensure all metrics match the original profile, easily detecting ghostwriting, essay mills, etc.
  • Compliant with Section 508 Standards requiring a fully accessible solution for all students, faculty, and administration
  • Full compliance with strict GDPR data privacy requirements protecting the intellectual property of students and instructors
  • Integrates with major LMSs including Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, Canvas, Microsoft, and Google Classroom, along with regional solutions and eLearning tools
  • Access to the Plagiarism Prevention Pool (PPP), an exclusive joint archive that enables the cross-checking of new submissions with documents already submitted by other clients

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