Contract Number: CNR01423
Contract Date: 02/01/2017 – 01/31/2027
Agreement: Competitive
Renewals: None
Award Summary: Click RFP Number Field to view all awarded suppliers
eProcurement: N/A
RFP Number & Name: 683335 / Laboratory Equipment, Instruments, Accessories, Supplies and Maintenance


The NuAire contract offers quality lab equipment including containment ventilated enclosures, animal transfer stations, custom lab automation enclosures, and biosafety cabinets. With designs that are customized to fit each E&I member's unique needs, NuAire offers the maximum choice in configuration.

NuAire manufacturers scientific laboratory equipment and compounding pharmacy airflow products, providing personnel, product, and environmental protection in critical research environments for educational institutions. As one of the world's leading providers of reliable, performance-driven equipment built to withstand the most demanding lab equipment, NuAire has been providing laboratory professionals with the equipment they need for more than 40 years.

Contract Highlights
  • Access NuAire's entire catalog of lab equipment, including class II biological safety cabinets, laminar airflow equipment, animal handling cabinets, workstations, CO2 incubators, ultra-low temperature freezers, and centrifuges
  • Fixed discount off list – entire catalog
  • Additional volume discount for orders of five or more units
  • Warranties include parts and labor
  • Pre-established installation rates based on geographic location


NuAire's commitment to sustainability extends to purchasing or using products that reduce energy consumption, reduce environmental impact, minimize pollution, and/or use recycled content that will not deplete natural resources.

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