Contract Number: EI00174
Contract Date: 02/01/2022 – 01/31/2027
Agreement: Competitive
Renewals: 1 5-year renewal remaining
eProcurement: N/A
RFP Number & Name: 683547 / General Consulting Services

Kennedy & Company

With a focus on higher education, the Kennedy & Company contract offers a range of consulting services delivered by higher ed veterans. Kennedy & Company helps E&I members with strategic planning, operational excellence, financial stability, and student enrollment, retention and success.

Established in 2013, Kennedy & Company is a privately owned consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. with international reach. With an exclusive focus on higher education, Kennedy & Company offers more than just strategic consulting, also supporting technical projects such as CRM implementation. Kennedy & Company is committed to continuous improvement, developing the expertise of their team and growth of their services to support the ever-evolving needs of colleges and universities.

Contract Highlights
  • Strategic planning
  • Academic portfolio strategy
  • Enrollment strategy
  • Organizational and operational transformation
  • Financial stability
  • Student success and retention strategy
  • CRM implementation

Supplier Diversity

Kennedy & Company is a diverse owned E&I supplier nationally certified as a Small, Women- and Minority-Owned Business by the state of Virginia Department of Small Business (SWAM). Kennedy & Company is able to provide Tier 1 diverse spending solutions to E&I members. For more information about diversity certifications, see the contract documents tab or contact your E&I Representative for assistance.

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