Contract Number: CR001252
Contract Date: 10/01/2024 – 09/30/2029
Agreement: Competitive
Renewals: 1 5-year renewal remaining
Award Summary: Click RFP Number Field to view all awarded suppliers
eProcurement: N/A
RFP Number & Name: EI00266~2023RFP / Campus Commerce, Integrated Payments, & Mobile ID Management

Transact Campus

Transact Campus offers comprehensive solutions for payments, ID management, and campus commerce. Payments options include ePayment, eMarket, processing, cashiering, billing, and plans. Campus ID includes mobile credentials, meal plans, stored value, photo submission, events, access, printing, vending, and laundry. Commerce solutions feature cloud POS, mobile ordering, kiosks, registers, retail, concessions, and off-campus merchant solutions.

Transact has been serving the higher education space for over 50 years and assists over 1,800 colleges and universities with their technology needs. As an industry leader in the higher education technology space, Transact is laser-focused on innovation. As they invest more capital in R&D each year than most competitors spend on development, Transact provides excellent quality and fully reliable technology solutions.

Contract Highlights
  • Tiered discount structure 
  • Full suite of products
  • Highly customizable
  • Team of over fifty representatives and hundreds of industry partners


Transact is deeply committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR), integrating it into every aspect of their work. They strive to make a positive impact as responsible corporate citizens through their CSR Guiding Principles.

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