Contract Number: CNR01502
Contract Date: 05/01/2020 – 09/30/2027
Agreement: LPA
Renewals: 2 1-year renewals remaining
Award Summary: Click RFP Number Field to view all awarded suppliers
eProcurement: N/A
RFP Number & Name: 683507 / IT Professional Services

Strata Information Group (SIG)

The Strata Information Group (SIG) contract provides information technology consulting and staffing solutions to public and private colleges and universities. Having strategic partnerships with industry leading IT providers and organizations, SIG helps you realize the full potential of technology to transform the student experience, achieve operational agility, and ensure business continuity.

SIG has strategic partnerships with leading technology providers, including Ellucian, Oracle, Workday, Slate by Technolutions, and Salesforce who share the company's commitment to higher education and offer top-quality products, services, and solutions. SIG also has extensive experience providing services for Campus Management, Jenzabar, and Unit4, and supports integrations with most learning management systems and other applications. SIG is a member of the Amazon Web Services Partner Network and has AWS certified cloud practitioners on staff.

Contract Highlights
  • Increase adoption and utilization with consulting in all areas of ERP, targeted assessments, systemwide assessments, and post implementation support
  • Reduce complexity and receive assistance with cloud migration strategy and planning, project management, assessments, new architecture, disaster recovery, DBA services, and technical consulting
  • Receive guidance during a CRM implementation and assistance with other tools in your technology environment
  • Select the best fit for your institution through assessments of your current environment, exploration of new products and technologies, and expert assistance
  • Augment your IT staff or provide specialized expertise as needed
  • Simplify work and improve service delivery for new technology implementations
  • Deep understanding of college and university business and ERP environments enable rapid assessment and deployment of solutions that provide immediate value

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