Contract Number: EI00364
Contract Date: 09/01/2023 – 08/31/2028
Agreement: Competitive
The Recycle Away contract delivers winning waste management solutions to your institution by offering configurable, sustainable, and customizable bins that reflect your school spirit and aesthetics. The company provides expert, hands-on consultation to plan, implement, and track your recycling program, ensuring your goals are achieved effectively and within budget.
Recycle Away is a leading nationwide distributor of top-quality indoor and outdoor commercial recycling, compost, sanitation, and waste management systems. They also offer compatible matching products, including benches, signs, janitorial stations, and more, at special discounted rates for E&I members. Recycle Away prides itself on superior customer service and timely, accurate order processing. They continuously cultivate relationships with numerous manufacturers to ensure you get the products you need—when you need them.
Recycle Away offers diverse supplier solutions to E&I members. For more information about these solutions, contact your dedicated E&I Member Representative.
Recycle Away bins offered through the contract are made from a high percentage of recycled materials, from a minimum of 35% for cold rolled steel and plastic bins and 60% for their stainless steel products, to as high as 100% for both types of steel and plastic products. All steel products are easily reclaimed for recycling at the end of their useful life.
These bins help your institution achieve its sustainability goals through effective recycling and waste management systems.