Contract Number: CNR01464
Contract Date: 07/01/2018 – 06/30/2028
Agreement: Competitive
Renewals: None
Award Summary: Click RFP Number Field to view all awarded suppliers
eProcurement: Punchout Capable
RFP Number & Name: 683324 / HVAC Filters and Services

Filtration Concepts

The Filtration Concepts contract provides just-in-time inventory and delivery service of HVAC filters to E&I members in Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Members also have access to the Filt-Trac Air Filtration Supply Program, which helps organizations purchase, receive, sort, install, and manage air filters faster and more efficiently.

Filtration Concepts has been providing HVAC filter service to universities, K-12 schools, medical centers, commercial businesses, and government establishments across the US for more than 30 years. Their innovative air filtration solutions have made them a leader in filtration supply and sustainable filtration solutions.

Contract Highlights
  • Access an entire line of HVAC filter supply products and related services
  • Facilitate and adhere to air filter servicing schedules with Filt-Trac, saving you time and money
  • Help reduce HVAC energy costs, waste, TCO for air filters, and install time
  • Simplify the purchasing process for filters
  • Eliminate warehouse space requirements and neglected filters
  • Exclusive member rebates based on annual purchases


Filt-Trac from Filtration Concepts helps you make efficient, sustainable filter decisions with data that shows the lifecycle cost of various filtration options building-by-building, unit-by-unit. This analysis shows energy costs, landfill impact, CO2 emissions, filter cost, and more, from which Filtration Concepts can offer the best solution that fits your needs and supports your sustainability.

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