Contract Number: EI00398
Contract Date: 11/01/2024 – 10/31/2029
Agreement: Competitive
Renewals: 5 1-year renewals remaining
Award Summary: Click RFP Number Field to view all awarded suppliers
eProcurement: N/A
RFP Number & Name: EI00250~2023RFP / Online Program Management Services


Anthology is a one-stop education provider. Their OPX solution empowers your institution to build customized online programs, optimize student experience, and deliver high-quality education. Choose from flexible, unbundled services or their competitive fee-for-service model with multi-year discounts and volume incentives.

In October of 2021, Anthology Inc. and Blackboard Inc. were combined under the name Anthology. With their collective products and services, Anthology is the only holistic provider of a comprehensive ecosystem of EdTech solutions and services. Anthology serves over 2,000 unique colleges and universities in more than 30 countries. It excels in providing enterprise software and solutions around Enrollment Management, Student Engagement, Alumni Fundraising, and Institutional Effectiveness. 

Contract Highlights
  • Comprehensive one-stop solution covering the full scope of services, including Strategy, Research, Marketing, Enrollment, Help Desk (HD), Financial Aid (FA), Student Accounts (SA), Admissions & Registration (ARR), & Course Design Services (CDS)
  • Specifically tailored to meet the unique and evolving needs of higher education institutions
  • Bundled service discounts for cost efficiency and streamlined operations
  • Reduced implementation fees and lower rates on media advertising for greater value
  • OPX solution designed to create customized online programs, optimize the student experience, and deliver high-quality online education
  • Flexible, unbundled OPX approach that can support a diverse range of campus services, including HD, FA, SA, ARR, and CDS to meet specific institutional requirements
  • Competitive fee-for-service model offers multi-year discounts and volume-based incentives, ensuring long-term affordability and scalability

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